Chorna Iryna Mykhailivna

Тeacher:    Чорна Ірина Михайлівна   candidate of psychological sciences, docent

The scientist of TNPU named after В.Гнатюка


Psychological and pedagogical prevention of deviant behavior

selective discipline of professional training

Тhe first (bachelor's) level of higher education

specialty 053 Psychology

4th semester

Discipline abstract:

       Purpose: to teach to create adequate conditions for the development of the positive aspects of the child's personality; to carry out psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection of negative manifestations in the character and behavior of a teenager with deviant behavior through counseling; psychotechnician; trainings, psycho-correctional conversations; create a model of support, targeted prevention, diagnosis, psychocorrection; methods of prevention of deviant behavior; develop methods of working with adolescents with deviant behavior.

Key words: deviations, delinquency, deviations, prevention, psychocorrection.