Chorna Iryna Mykhailivna
Тeacher: Чорна Ірина Михайлівна candidate of psychological sciences, docent
The scientist of TNPU named after В.Гнатюка
Innovative approaches to the problem of professional self-determination
selective discipline of professional training
Тhe second (master's) level of higher education
specialty 053 Psychology
1 course 1 semester
Discipline abstract:
Purpose: to prepare students to work as a psychologist, professional orientalist, professional selection manager. To acquaint with innovative psychological technologies in the field of professional self-determination. Teach: to carry out a comprehensive professional diagnostic study for professional compliance. Get acquainted with the basic psychological requirements for career guidance advertising products. To form practical skills of work according to innovative methods of professional information and pro-propaganda work.
key words: profagitation, professional consultation, self-determination, professiogram, psychogram.